Refocus and Revamp


Let me start by saying a huge thank you to everyone who has contributed to the site and Facebook group over the last couple of years. It has been great having that level on interaction and shared interest. As with many projects it is important to stay relevant and I am making some changes to the page and group.

The first think intend to do is to open the FB group to the wider community. We will have to see how that goes and sometimes it isn’t always a positive experience but I hope to keep on top of it and build the community.

I have been working on a book called Univeral Harmonix. It has proven to be a challenging experience as I have tried to take a science based approach to the subject linking the Paranormal with the UFO phenomena through initially Frequency, but now I am looking at the greater role that conciousness takes in the process.

I have appeared on a number of podcasts and I will also post them on this site so people can access as and when.

With the latter in mind, I have also bought a vlogging camera so I hope to start to post some more content onto the site.

I also am following up on a number of cases with Mantis contactees. This is a group of ET that recieve little attention but could prove to be really interesting.

I look forward to sharing the information with you.

Also I am a researcher with BUFOG Truthseekers and I will update you with events that come off the back of that group.

It is an exciting time and I look forward to building the site.