For UFO sightings: ufo@paralnoia.co.uk
For investigations: investigation@paralnoia.co.uk
For media contact: media@paralnoia.co.uk
Who We Are
We are Experienced & Profesional
Paranormal Investigators
The purpose of the site is to try and remove the paranoia associated with discussing the paranormal. The team have over thirty years’ experience dealing with a wide range of paranormal phenomenon. We take a scientific approach to investigation and welcome open discourse.
A sighting is reported of a paranormal incident. The report will have been made by a member of the public, an affiliated group, via social media or a first-hand experience.
The team will review the information they have received and initially look for rational explanations using scientific research methodology.
Once the team are confident that a simple rational explanation can’t be formulated through research, they will look to an initiate an investigation.
What is the paranormal?
Paranormal events are purported phenomena described in popular culture, folk, and other non-scientific bodies of knowledge, whose existence within these contexts is described as beyond normal experience or scientific explanation
What is an UFO?
A UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. It applies to an aerial phenomenon that cannot immediately be identified or explained. Most UFOs are identified on investigation as conventional objects or phenomena. The term is widely used for claimed observations of extraterrestrial spacecraft.
Are ghosts real?
This very much depends on your definition of a ghost and belief system. The term ghost is used to define someone who is tied to a location or event. They may not be aware they have passed. A spirit is someone who is aware they have passed and isn’t tied down to a location. Through investigation we believe we have empirical evidence to suggest they do exist.
Reach out to the team today
Please feel free to reach out to the team today. We will treat your report with the respect it deserves and endeavour to guide to you along your own personal journey.
Latest News
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