The origins of Paralnoia
First of all let me give you a warm welcome to the www.paralnoia.co.uk website. This is a platform I intend to use to reach out to the paranormal community. I use the term paranormal as I don’t want to limit the range of phenomenon that the site covers. From a personal perspective I have the most experience in the area of UFOs, Spirits and Ghosts. The term ghost I am probably the least comfortable with as I believe there is a certain stigma attached with that phrase. I feel that shows like Most Haunted did wonders for raising the profile of the paranormal, but they also led to the monetisation of the field.
I have been to a number of large group led events and typically they have been huge disappointments. The people that typically attend them are thrill seekers who are looking for a fright. This of course then applies pressure on the organisers as people who have paid (often large amounts of money) expect results. With this mind I have found that more intimate or private locations often yield the best results.
My own personal experience started when I was young where I would stay at my Grans for a couple of weeks during the summer holidays. Whilst we were there, often objects would go missing but they would always appear on the welcome mat by the front door. I would often hear my Gran telling the room off because something had moved in the room.
There was plenty of other casual experiences when I was younger, but it wasn’t until I left for university that my experiences began to take off. This includes both phenomenon of a spiritual nature as well as a close encounter with a UFO as well as a follow up visit by a MIB (Men In Black) several years later.
With so many experiences I felt there had to be something more to life than I was currently experiencing. I of course had also taken precautionary measure with regards to my health, checking my eye sight etc just in case there was a medical condition that could account for some of the visual phenomenon. However as a student I shared houses with a number of friends and it wasn’t until they had also experienced some of the phenomena that I had, I began to feel validated.
I have felt the need to have my experiences validated and as a result I have worked with a number of investigatory groups as well as spiritual circles. Personally I have no religious inclination, although I respect those people who do. I feel that maybe I have a sensitivity although it would be a stretch to call it anything other than that.
The origins of the Paralnoia site actually started twenty years ago. I was living in a house that was incredibly active and I started to take write a blog and take pictures. I found it to be a great outlet for myself and when I was featured in the Fortean Times I received a fair bit of media interest. However at the time, I didn’t feel it was the right moment for me so I closed things down.
Now I have a wealth of experience and in Keith I have found a like-minded individual who also has the provenance to support our research, I feel we can now reengage with the public and try to develop our understanding of the paranormal phenomenon.
With that in mind, I am working on a white paper to discuss some of the basic principles of the paranormal. It is a journey that I hope you will be able to join me on. I genuinely think we have the opportunity to build something special here and I look forward to build the site with your support.
Regards James